Emporium St. Louis
Regal Dog Oil Painting
Regal Dog Oil Painting
Truly unique oil painting, signed on canvas. Features a hand-painted regal dog, surrounded by an ornate frame. Perfect addition to any room in the house. Looks especially lovely in dining rooms and above the fireplace. Truly a museum piece, and there is only one available!
Dimensions: 32" x 35
Local Pickup in St. Louis Store available.
We use a 3rd Party Shipper/ U-Ship White Glove Delivery. Shipping is not free, but because of rising gas prices we would like to introduce our "Meet You Halfway Program." You pay 1/2 of shipping fees and we pay the other 1/2. Please provide zip code, etc. for a shipping quote.
A percentage of this sale will be donated to a charity of your choice.
Please Call /Text Anytime 314-494-7222
All sales final.